EXTEND Walks to the Beat at the Big Walk Durban
On Sunday 18th May 2019 Poinsettia Park Retirement Home members completed the East Coast Radio 10km Big Walk with their Extend Teacher, Helen Skinner

Helen Skinner and her Extend members walk every Thursday morning at 6.00am to 7.15am and have entered the East Coast Radio Big Walk each year.
But this year was different. Wendy and Henri Lloyd from Management joined us and I was so impressed with our walking group as we improved our race by 10 minutes from last year!
Our time for the 10km walk was 1hr 40min and we had two 79 year old members in our group.
The Poinsettia Park members are from left to right IRENE JORDAN, ALISON MARITZ, BETH SCHRAUWEN (front row) and the back row from left to right WENDY LLOYD, PEGGY VAN RENSBURG, HELEN SKINNER AND HENRI LLOYD.
(Helen Skinner)
See what the Big Walk is all about, see the highlights reel from 2018 in the video below.