Fitness League teachers love welcoming people of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities to classes. We can easily adapt class work to your needs. We use great music, provide skilled support and excellent teaching to help you get the most from your class.
What sort of exercises are taught in FLExercise classes?
Our classes cover a whole range of exercises. We take care to warm up thoroughly first. Then exercises are structured to ensure that all parts of the body are stretched and toned with the aim of keeping the spine flexible and strong, and the stomach muscles toned. We also work towards improving posture, stabilizing hips and improving balance.

Some classes incorporate a section of very basic dance routines which are simple and easy to follow.  We can do anything from African to Jazz, using music from the 50’s to modern day.  The dances stimulate the brain as well as making the class fun.

We offer a variety of classes such as Dance Fitness, Body conditioning, Stretch and Strengthen, Slow tone and stretch (senior classes) and Stretch classes. Exercises are tailored to the age, ability and fitness levels of members to ensure that everyone works within their ability.

Where are the classes located?

FLExercise classes are found mostly in local community and Church halls.  It was the idea of our founder member, Mary Bagot Stack, to take exercise out into the community…into halls in different neighbourhoods.  Convenient and non-competitive, they bring the benefits of both exercising and socializing to your neighbourhood.

What should I wear?

Anything that allows you to move freely in any position, including floorwork. T-shirts and leggings are popular.  Feet are very important and need exercising and strengthening in the same way as the rest of the body.  Foot wear is very personal.  We encourage comfort and practicality. Whatever suits you…from Tommy takkies to cross trainers, running shoes to barefeet.

Do I bring anything else with me?

A mat or a towel for extra cushioning for floor work.  All other equipment such as dynabands (elastic bands), balls, hand weights, ribbons etc are supplied by your teacher.

How many people are there in a class?

From five to 40, depending on the area. All FLExercise teachers are trained to structure class content so that all attending can exercise safely and effectively.

Can I attend a class before deciding if it is for me?

Yes!  You are welcome to attend a FREE trial class

How do I join FLExercise?

FLExercise is a non-profit making organisation in South Africa.  Our objective is to promote affordable exercise classes for as many people as possible, and therefore we keep our monthly fees as low as possible.  We do not lock our members in with contracts or cancellation fees.  We do however have an annual membership fee which is used by the organisation to pay music rights (SAMRO), purchase equipment for the classes, provide on-going teacher training and bi-annual CPR courses.


Payment is made at the beginning of a month according to the number of classes you would like to attend within that month.

What happens if I miss a few classes in a month?

You are welcome to make up those classes at any centre within that month, or within the course of the following month.

Can I join FLExercise at any time of year?

Yes, come when you like. Our teachers are very experienced at accommodating beginners and new members into their classes and we advise people to exercise gently to begin with.

What sort of music is used?

Music is generally chosen to suit varied tastes and is used to enhance the movements.

You will find new friends, enjoy new ways of exercising and wonder where FLExercise has been all your life.

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