Thoughts & Memories -Coronavirus.

2019 was fast winding down, And we were preparing to leave Cape town,
To go on holidays near and far, By plane or train or in the car.
But far away across the world, In Wuhan China , it seemed absurd,
An unknown virus was taking hold, And affecting people , young and old
It came from a pangolin or a bat, The Pangolin said – it’s tit for tat,
You kill me and and I’ll kill you, Sweet revenge – we like that too !

China it seemed could not cope, In Wuhan they were losing hope; So lockdown it was and very severe, You couldn’t even buy a beer.
But here our life had not yet changed, Our classes and meetings were still arranged. The trip to Bath was taking shape, Rehearsals and costumes – we mustn’t be late !
Things got worse and Covid grew, To Italy , Spain and Timbuktu; Travel was stopped and hence our show, We couldn’t go – oh, what a blow!!!
Then in March , lockdown was here; No walks, no booze, oh dear, oh dear; Cyril told us we had to stay, In our homes and not go away
The streets were silent, no-one in sight, Only the birds , once it was light; So strange it seemed , we wanted to talk, To family and friends, take the dog for a walk.
We stopped our classes , oh how sad; No gym, no fun , it was getting bad. The teachers who had tech-knowhow, Took to you-tube, it was such a wow.
Now it seemed so very clear, All we had ever held dear; We could now only see on a screen, Life would never be as it had been
We cleaned , we sewed ,we mowed the lawn, We sorted cupboards, discarding clothes too worn; We watched TV and read some books, Kept ourselves fit and improved as cooks.
We chatted to friends on Whatsapp and Zoom, Funny not having them in the room; The days passed by and soon it became, Our lifestyle , sunshine or rain.
But elsewhere in our lovely city, Life was becoming one of pity; No jobs, no work, no food , no pay; And getting worse day by day
The NGO’s all reached out, To all of those with any clout; Parcels of food, groceries and money; Sandwiches with peanut butter and honey
We all had to give to those in need, But there were so many mouths to feed; We could not last in such a state, Open the economy before it’s too late.
So we moved to level four, People could do just a little more; We could walk in the morning , what a joy; Buy takeaways , clothes and maybe a toy
But no booze or cigarettes , oh dear; That could cause chaos , we do fear; The number of cases continued to rise, I don’t think that’s much of a surprise
We are now in the middle of May; I really don’t know what to say; Things are getting worse I fear, I would just love to get out of here
But to keep safe we must just stay; In lockdown , it goes on from day to day; The rest of the country must go and earn, The schools must go back so students can learn
The scientists are working every day, To find a vaccine , there must be a way; Till then we will just stay home, Its comfortable here, we cannot moan
It has now been 3 months and more, We’re into winter, it’s cold for sure; The numbers are growing, it’s very scary, We must remain careful and wary
The laws have changed and confusion reigns, Some of the rules are quite insane; So mostly everyone just does their thing, Wear a mask , do social distancing
We can now play tennis and go to a show, But no gym or dancing , that’s a blow; We all make a plan and exercise outside, Fresh air is the way to blow the virus aside
So maybe next year , please can it be, We will see our friends and family; We will travel ,drive or sit by the sea, To talk , to laugh and just be free.
(Alison Lund)